Saturday, March 3, 2012


Every day in class I teach the idea of replacing the old with the new, the bad with the good and the harmful with the healthy.  We talk at length about what they did to get in trouble and what they could replace it with.  What hobbies, interests, goals and dreams have they lost touch with that could be replacements for what they did to get into trouble?

Darren Hardy discusses this idea in The Compound Effect.  He posits that it's the little things done consistently over time that make the biggest difference.  Replacing the soda or coffee with water, the tasty treat with a healthy snack.  I remember seeing a quote on Pinterest that said "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."  Too true.

So what can you and I replace?  Maybe it's not as huge as a drug addiction or a devastating coping strategy.  Maybe it's not replacing friends who are a negative influence.  Maybe it is.  Now I try to ask myself if I am replacing the unhealthy for the healthy, the endless for the limited and the super sized for the reasonable.

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